Sunday, July 12, 2009

Birthday Party

Ready for picture overload? These are all from the girls' birthday party yesterday. Including our little family of 5, there were 32 people there. It was a blast....and exhausting. All of us were just zonked afterwards.

Sitting on the blanket waiting to open presents.

All the presents...very generous family members! The buckets were our goodie bags for all the kids. There was candy and some toys in there. The younger girls all got dress up stuff in theirs. SO EXCITING!

Everyone hanging out during cake and present time.

Emmy getting Happy Birthday sung to her. She seemed somewhat confused.

Mari on the other hand, loves to be sung to and actually sang too. She's been walking around the house singing, "Happy, happy, HAPPEEEEEEEE!"
The cakes made it safely to the park. Thanks Dad!

Peder played in the pool for about 45 minutes and then crashed and slept in my mom's arms until it was time for cake and presents.

Jake and some of his family hanging out in the pool and playing.

Emmy loving Great Aunt Debbie's Sunglasses...she eventually was wearing them herself, the little fashionista.

My Grandpa Diekmann, Uncle Mark and Dad hanging out with Mari. Mari saw my dad and ditched me for him...then snuggled him good.

Where we set up all our stuff and some of the family hanging out there.

The pool....SO exciting for little kids.

Me hanging out in the pool with Emmy.

The castle cake Jake made. I baked the cake and made the towers out of Rice Crispy bars. Jake made the fondant and did all the decorating. This was Emmy's cake.

I baked this cake and Jake did all the carving, decorating, etc. on this too. Isn't he a fabulous dad?


Unknown said...

great cakes! Lots of fun new stuff to play with!

Carol E. said...

Those cakes are amazing! Looks like a fun day at the pool. Is that WSP? I have to go there some day......