Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Positive Thinking

I've been really crabby and down in the dumps lately because of the pain I've had over the last 3 weeks. Although the 2 cortisone shots I had have helped, I continue to be in enough pain that I spend almost 24 hours a day on the couch. I even change the girls' diapers there so I don't have to get on the floor. The good news is that it sounds like it is a cam lesion that is causing all of this and that it can most likely be surgically repaired. The bad news is that I have to wait until July 22nd to see the only surgeon in the area that does this kind of procedure arthroscopically. Major bummer, but at least we have the next step in place.

So because of the grumpiness, I've decided to make a list of things that made me smile today:

1. Emmy asking for a high five after every kiss she gave me....even if she just blew me one.
2. Sonic ice cream treats to help with the heart burn this pain med is causing me....and a husband who will go get them for me at 9:30 at night.
3. A husband who will was my hair for me when I can't do it on my own.
4. Every single one of my kids wanting to cuddle with me after their baths. Every time the kids take a bath, I get a ton of snuggle time from little cuties wrapped in towels.
5. Finding new things to fill my time.
6. Watching a couple of interesting/good movies today
7. Pizza delivery
8. Lidocaine patches
9. Seeing other people very happy with their lives. Lots of my friends seem to be bubbling with joy and it's nice to have that bubble over to me.
10. Tri Towers Solitaire on Facebook....addicting

So there ya go....some good things going on during a bad situation. I've become a lot more appreciative of those joys!


Unknown said...

That is a nice list, Melissa! I can't even begin to imagine your pain. I am going to pray for a cancellation for the doctor and that you get a call SOON for an appointment.

Carol E. said...

That is so nice to be able to enjoy the happy times even when you're in a crappy situation. Your kids are so cuddly and adorable! I love that.

Jill said...

Thinking about you and hoping for more relief. . . are you taking prednisone? I was on it for a while this winter when I was sick and had horrible heartburn, which I usually never get. My only thought was that it was from the meds, which didn't kick in and work until about 2 weeks after I stopped taking the pills. I guess that's common. Take care!